Vivat Caid

Vivat Caid
by Signore Antonio lo Seccante della Rovere, detto “Secca”

O ocean friend, O sun kissed land, O land of golden shore,
The Kingdom of Caid she stands like fabled realms of yore,
She’s silver bright, ‘neath sky of blue, she’s bless-ed by the moon,
Her gilded crown is laurel bound, with Honors is she strewn,
The Dream she holds well in her heart, The Dream she lives and breathes,
The Dream to all who enter here, her goodly heart bequeaths.

Land of fun, land of smiles,
Her laughter she full shares;
Mirth and joy are perfect for
Forgetting of ones cares.

Inspires us, makes us shine,
We seek to do our best;
Land of merit, land of pride,
By her we are blessed.

This ocean friend, our sun kissed land, this land of golden shore,
The Kingdom of Caid she stands like fabled realms of yore,
The Dream she holds well in her heart, The Dream she lives and breathes,The Dream to all who enter here, her goodly heart bequeaths.

Since selflessly she gives to us,
This kindness we return;
In giving freely of ourselves,
Her favor do we earn.

With open arms she offers all,
Such hospitality;
Giving each a welcome home,
She makes us family.

O CAID of old, CAID so bold, our fortress in the desert,
The Kingdom of Caid my friends – Our Kingdom and our treasure!