by THL Beorn of the Northern Seas
Sister of sea-splitter,
Strode out to set The Throne.
Sir Kolfinna Kottr,
Friend of eye-feeders,
Shield-maiden of Sif,
Tamer of tigers.
Constant companion to
Sven, wily sloth.
Leaping from longship,
Sights set on Crescented-Crown,
Boldly to battle,
Came valiant Valkyrie.
Sword gleaming, eyes glowing,
Hair streaming, blood flowing.
Sister of sea-splitter,
Strode out to set The Throne.
First into fearsome fray,
Bade Bjorn to Kolfinna,
Strong started combat,
Circling, Kolfinna strikes
Choice given, chance taken
Blade driven, Bjorn shaken,
Sister of sea-splitter,
Strode out to set The Throne.
Second to slay, Spaniard
Viscondesa Jimena valorous,
Sword sisters swinging,
Kolfinna conquered quickly,
Steel biting, blade singing,
Hard fighting, helm ringing.
Sister of sea-splitter,
Strode out to set The Throne.
Sir Ashraf, Iron-of-Egypt,
Stood they both to study,
Kolfinna read wrongly
Ashraf gained ground
Teeth clenched, true blow,
Brand wrenched, laid low,
Sister of sea-splitter
Strode out to set The Throne
Hither came Korwyn,
Seasoned Saxon of the dry-lands,
Hawk’s brow and Maiden’s gaze,
Locked in feverish fight,
True shot, she fell,
Mourn not, Death’s knell
Sister of sea-splitter
A shield will bear her home.
Yet, Still strong is she,
Rising to renew her lord,
Sven, striking sloth
Captures Crown and Kingdom!
Flower wreaths, a noble mien,
Sven bequeaths, Kolfinna Queen!
Long live The Tigress,
Caid’s Consort own